The „Prix Colladon" was first awarded in 2013. Jean-Daniel Colladon (1802 – 1893) was a Swiss physicist who conducted ground-breaking research on the speed of sound in water.

This award honours practice-oriented publications in the field of acoustics.

The Prize may be awarded as a:

  • Sponsorship Award to young acousticians for their academic writing (dissertation, master's       thesis, CAS, MAS)
  • Recognition Award to experienced acousticians for their publications (e.g. books, articles in professional journals, contributions to conventions, construction work)

The prize is usually awarded every two years.

The by-laws govern the procedure in detail.

In 1826 Jean-Daniel Colladon, (probably) together with his colleague, mathematician Charles Francois Sturm (1803 – 1855), conducted precise measurements of the speed of sound in water on Lake Geneva for the first time ever. For this research he was awarded the Grand Prix of the French Academy of Sciences in 1827. (Source: Presentation by Peter Költzsch, Dresden)


2013: Walter Lips: Lecture Notes on Acoustics for Building Services Engineers

2015: Reto Pieren: Publication "Predicting sound absorption coefficients of lightweight multilayer curtains using the equivalent circuit method", Applied Acoustics 92 (2015)

2017: Beat Hohmann (Publication SUVA: Musik und Hörschäden - Informa-tionen für alle, die Musik spielen oder hören)