The «Prix Colladon»
The „Prix Colladon" was first awarded in 2013. Jean-Daniel Colladon (1802 – 1893) was a Swiss physicist who conducted ground-breaking research on the speed of sound in water.
This award honours practice-oriented publications in the field of acoustics.
The Prize may be awarded as a:
- Sponsorship Award to young acousticians for their academic writing (dissertation, master's thesis, CAS, MAS)
- Recognition Award to experienced acousticians for their publications (e.g. books, articles in professional journals, contributions to conventions, construction work)
The prize is usually awarded every two years.
The by-laws govern the procedure in detail.
2013: Walter Lips: Lecture Notes on Acoustics for Building Services Engineers
2015: Reto Pieren: Publication "Predicting sound absorption coefficients of lightweight multilayer curtains using the equivalent circuit method", Applied Acoustics 92 (2015)
2017: Beat Hohmann (Publication SUVA: Musik und Hörschäden - Informa-tionen für alle, die Musik spielen oder hören)